Today was in first Dive trip out of Felldiver 1. Our trusty club rib is back in the water (pause for applauds) and taking divers to do what they do best in our North East England waters, dive in murky waters.

The day started nice and early (7:52am), this was not for the dive ropes off. For a change we had a nice / civilised ropes off time of 10:30am. The day started a wee bit too early as certain club members were so excited to get out on the boat and started messaging people to share their enthusiasm and photos of the breakfast of champions (while some were still trying to sleep – ahem me!).


So, 6 divers and a cox, loaded their kit onto Felldiver 1 (I know it sounds like a thunderbird name, but it is as good a name as any). and prepared ourselves for the first dive trip for the club boat since it’s engine was replaced.

We all headed out of the mouth of the Tyne, keen as mustard and eager to get wet and test out the new features on the club boat (several test – non diving runs were made first on the Rib).

Upon arriving at the dive site, our super cox advised when to drop anchor and landed on the dive site of the Chandris right on the nose, inch perfect placing of the anchor. At first we did not have faith in our coordinates and tried to use trusted transits. But, we stayed true and believed in our coordinates and were justly rewarded. Note to selves, do not use lampposts as transits as Councils have a habit of moving them.

First 2 divers kitted up and went down the shot line. Then the next and the next.

Upon arriving on the bottom, we all very quickly realised, why we were the only divers out today. The viz was blown out.

We had visibility of 1 meter at best. but since we were out and had been looking forward to this for a long time, we were not letting a little thing like the viz, stop us. We were on the wreck and were going to make the most of it.

Staying on the wreck was the only option we had, if we were to leave it, then there was zero chance of getting back on it. Torches were a must today.

So, after doing a few laps of the wreck and swimming the closest, we have ever to our buddies. Lets just say its a good job, most divers were already related, the 1 buddy pair who were not related today, are due to wed next week, that’s how close we all stayed to our buddies. I am sure you all send them your best wishes and congratulations.

Todays dives were cut short, because of the viz, only 25 minute dive at 12 meters. But the fact we were out on the club rib, during torrential rain storms. It was still an epic days diving.

Second dive was called off (no point) and a trip to debrief and plan future adventures was opted for (well it would be rude not too).